
Photo by u041cu0430u0448u0430 u0420u0435u0439u043cu0435u0440u0441 on



knowing the bite of Springtime dew

melted into sweat by noon. 



quenching first a needy heart

then walking daily weighted dues



a wanting window found inside

lost then captured by the moon.


From outside in

survival props subdue the fears inside,

where life is lost in battle songs

though oft their words forgot.

Survival brain protects and stands

against, and never for.

Safe until the moon sets close-

a quiet tremor felt

hushing winds

and with the sigh

you find

the self that fell apart.


thumbprints press hard

on the outer part to shape shift being

into a failed construct


hiding a soul looking for the light behind

to dispel shadows and such

searching for life beyond the creep of forced ideals

into everlasting peace


More years behind than ahead

Tomorrow with no lasting definitions or weight

Just a wall of trees guiding the way home

kissed by too many suns.

A touch of grace

to have and to hold

this day beginning to end….

Hunting Season

Photo by Miriam Fischer on

It’s that time of life when gentle and innocence fall

the eyes of the deer go dark

while the heart of sporting egos reign.

We all feel broken a bit

and generations suffer generations.

As foot prints in the snow crush the buds beneath

we all stay hungry for peace.


I saw it whipped

waving above

nearly alone

holding on.

I saw the cords

life surging on

from ground to stem attached.

Then off balance

in twinkling light

I heard a breath


past all the others hanging still

a twirl and dance, a northern front

leaving ties

the shackles gone

and falling free at last.


A Great Lakes second winter comes with a chill

as leaves skip and fly across hop scotched grass

with the whistle of ones waving from the tree top

swinging between sun and shade

in want of spring’s rebirth

so full and drunk with salvation